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  • Observatory Ridge Guides - Ben Nevis

    Observatory Ridge Guides

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Observatory Ridge Guides | Elite Guides

Observatory Ridge on Ben Nevis is by far the best ridge on Ben Nevis for most of our Guides. The route itself is sustained and full of interest all of the way to the top. The lower pitches of the route start by weaving their way across slabs and corners as the ridge starts to narrow. A steep and imposing wall is bypassed on the right, in an incredible position before gaining the ridge crest again. Another tricky pitch higher up, again on the right, overlooking Observatory Gully is the second crux of the route. It doesn't stop there though with plenty more climbing and scrambling to do before you top out on to the Ben Nevis Summit plateau.

Join our qualified and experienced guides and climb Observatory Ridge

Book your Observatory Ridge Guide with Elite Guides for the best ridge on Ben Nevis. A great route option if you have climbed Tower Ridge and Castle Ridge on Ben Nevis and are looking for the next step.

Experience of seconding some easier graded rock climbs or mountaineering routes would be beneficial and make it an easier day all round for every one.

This is a route that needs dry rock, as it would not be anywhere as enjoyable to climb, so some flexibility is required but there are other routes in the area that would give a great day out as an alternative. Get in touch to discuss options with us, if you like.

Observatory ridge Guided climb

Observatory Ridge Guide Enquiry

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